Monday, September 3, 2007

Breakfast with Zoe

I had breakfast a week ago with Zoe, her brother Dayton, and Grandma Carolyn at the Main Cafe, in Alma. What a riot. She was very specific about what she wanted, and that included her brother's chocolate milk shake - at least the whipped cream part:). Lots of energy, and a strong will, were demonstrated when she was finished eating and her brother decided to help her "play". Let's see, that included running to the door, playing with Grandma's umbrella (which she hadn't noticed until Dayton happened to show her) and squealing with delight. Dayton was very innocent, don't you know, of instigating any mischief.....

According to all reports, she'll have a couple of good weeks, then land in the hospital for a few days to stabilize her again. When she's well shes VERY well:). When she's ill, she's a trooper, often seen pushing her IV pole on her own.

No final diagnosis at this date.


Anonymous said...

Why hasn't Zoe been taken to the Children's Hospital?

Sandy K. said...

There apparently needs to be a more concrete diagnosis before one set of doctors can sign off, allowing another team, at Children's Hospital, to take over. The test which needs to be run has to be done within a very narrow window after she has an "episode." As of this date that still hasn't been able to happen.